Hi, I'm Luis Torres!

I am an aspiring full-stack software engineer based in New York. I received my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Empire State University, earning the Go Blue! and the Turner scholarship. I also hold a degree in Business Administration from Suffolk County Community College. I have been working on completing software development certifications, coding personal projects, and honing my current skills in various programming languages. Aside from coding, I love watching basketball, weightlifting, and spending time with my partner and her lively pomeranian, Coco.




Payroll System

  • Developed a payroll sytem using C++ that could handle new employee, keep track of emplyee ovetime hours, and automate tac calculations.

Selinium Automation

  • Tested web applications using Selinuim java to create automated testing scenarios.

CMS System

  • Used Javascript, PHP, HTML, CSS and MySql to create a content management system that would allow users to porst edit and remove entries.